Are your eyelashes not looking as full as you’d like them to? There are several reasons behind lacking eyelashes that you may be experiencing with some being aging, genetics or hypotrichosis. Hypotrichosis is a condition where people experience an eyelash scarcity. For enhancing your eyelashes, Dr. Hanemann offers LATISSEⓇ to augment your lashes and beautify your image!

Serving the Baton Rouge and surrounding areas, Hanemann Plastic Surgery is led by Dr. Michael Hanemann, who is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic vision. He leads his talented staff to provide superior service and ensure optimal comfort for all our patients. Contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment and learn more about our life-changing treatment options!

What is LATISSE®?

If you are discomforted with lacking eyelashes, whether the reason be aging, genetics or hypotrichosis, we have an optimal treatment option for you! LATISSEⓇ is a revolutionary remedy that is FDA approved to assist in the growth of eyelash hair. Aging, genetics or hypotrichosis can affect the fullness, length and tone of eyelashes. With LATISSEⓇ, you can feel comfortable with fuller and healthier-looking eyelashes!


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